#media140 : Show Me The Money - Bernard Desarnauts

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Last keynote of the day: Bernard Desarnauts of Glam Media and Tinker.com talking (in theory) about where the money is.
Media is every-fragmenting. Blogs are growing as are social networks. Traffic is fragmenting around topics, and traditional sites are drawing a small and smaller amount of people’s time. The traditional places where advertisers spent money are becoming less and less relevant. 
So, the answer is distributed media – go where the audience is. And that’s brought them 12m uniques worldwide – by focusing on mid to long tail.
[Tinker](http://www.tinker.com/) – instead of following people, you follow topics. They use semantic analysis to find relevant content wherever it is. Beyond that, they create widgets that contain the conversation within them. You don’t force people to come to Tinker – you can push the conversation out to where they are. 
Has been used by many media brands. They use algorithmic and manual filtering to curate the flow of content. They have direct API access to the Twitter “firehose”. Most customers only want the Twitter data. 
[This feels a bit like a sales pitch rather than a case study]
curationSocial MediatinkertopicsX (Twitter)widgets

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
