Back in business

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth


That rather stern image of me above was taken while I was testing my repaired MacBook Pro at the Apple Store this afternoon. Two logic board replacements, and a microphone and speaker repair, and it seems to be back on its feet (metaphorically speaking). 
One of the challenges of working for myself is making sure that I have the kit I need to do the work I’ve agreed to. I’ve acquired a second camera body recently, after my existing DSLR packed up in Berlin a few weeks ago. I used the new body for Like Minds and was very happy with it – and the old body should be back from repair this week as my backup. My liveblogging kit is a little bit more robust, now. 
After a week without my laptop, I’m facing the fact that I’ll probably need a back-up machine in the medium-term. I managed to get by with the iPad (all [the FT]( [blogging]( was done on it) and some loans of my wife’s iMac, and could do so again, but I’m going to need to start budgeting for buying machines in a more professional way. 
Let’s see what the next generation of kit from Apple brings us…
appleapple storebudgetingcamerasfreelancingself-employment

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
