Digital news formats: the BBC explores linked data

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

BBC journalism labsFascinating blog post exploring how the BBC is experimenting with linked data:

After producing a long list of possible ‘problem spaces’ we prioritised four areas to explore:

  • Location and linked data. How might we use geolocation and linked data to increase relevance and expose the coverage of BBC News?
  • Events and linked data. How might we make more of BBC News ‘events’ using Linked Data?
  • Politics and linked data. How might we better contextualise and promote BBC’s Political coverage online using linked data?
  • Responsive Desktop. How might we overcome older browser challenges to get BBC News’ responsive service to desktop browsers?

So the question was ‘how might we tag the BBC News archive with linked data and expose this data source for prototyping?’

Data journalism is one thing, using the structured data that should be inherent in your content to present it in new, interesting and (most of all) useful ways to site visitors is quite another. It’s the beginning of serious rethinking how we present news in the digital era.

BBCdata journalismlinked dataPublishingsite design

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
