Silenced by BT

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Apologies for the patchy posting around here – I’m now in my 11th day without broadband or phone service at home, thanks to BT. I reported the fault on Thursday 4th as soon as it happened. By the time I was back from Berlin on the 10th – exactly nothing had happened. BT hadn’t even passed the fault on to Openreach.

Nearly 5 days on from that call, I’ve had a lot of reassurances – and no action whatsoever.

I’m compiling notes and records of what’s happened, and once I’m connected again, I’ll post my experiences in detail. It’s a fascinating case study of how all the social media customer support in the world is useless, unless they actually have the power to get something done. BT is passing the blame to Openreach – but I’m a customer of BT, not Openreach. Promising action, and delivering none aggravates the situation, rather than helping it. And this sort of tweet just seems designed to annoy…

@adders The commitment date for the fault is Tuesday.— BT (@BTCare) October 14, 2012

Will keep you all informed, as best I can. 🙂

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Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
